multiuser system - перевод на голландский
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multiuser system - перевод на голландский

Single-user; Multiuser; Computer collaboration system; Multi user; Multi-user operating system; Single user; Multiple users; Multi-user systems; Channel Division Multiple Access (ChDMA); Channel Divison Multiple Access (ChDMA); Singleuser; Single users; Single-users; Singleusers; Multiuser systems; Multi-user; Multi-user system
  • Interactive Multiuser Multitouch

honor system         
  • Example of the honor system at an unmanned Gandhigiri Shop in Mumbai, India
  • These handheld scanning devices allow customers to scan their own groceries while shopping. Such activity is not closely monitored by employees, and is therefore an honor system.
  • The honor system is used at [[Benicia State Recreation Area]].
Honour system; Trust system; Honour System; Honesty system; Honor bar; Gandhigiri shop; Suggested donation; Suggested admission; Honour systems; Honorware
eersysteem (niet afkijken bij examens en geen toezicht)
adversary system         
Adversary Procedure; Adversary system; Adversarial system of justice; Adversarial procedure; Adversarial hearing; Adversarial law; Adversarial trial; Accusatorial system
antagonistisch systeem, juridisch stelsel waarbij elke zitting door beide tegenstrijdige partijen (aanklager en beklaagde) wordt gevoerd
solar system         
  • [[Harrison H. Schmitt]], an [[astronaut]] in the [[Apollo 17]] mission, with the Moon and Earth in the background
  • 4}}.
  • Overview of the Inner Solar System up to the [[Jovian System]]
  • The orientation of the Solar System's motion
  • The [[Helix Nebula]], a planetary nebula similar to what the Sun will create when it enters its white dwarf stage
  • Sedna]] and its orbit within the Solar System
  • Artistic depiction of the Solar System's heliosphere
  • The outer planets [[Jupiter]], [[Saturn]], [[Uranus]] and [[Neptune]], compared to the inner planets Earth, Venus, Mars, and Mercury at the bottom right
  • To-scale diagram of distance between planets, with the white bar showing orbital variations. The size of the planets is not to scale.
  • The Sun's, planets', dwarf planets' and moons' size to scale, labelled. Distance of objects is not to scale.
  • interplanetary dust]]
  • Mercury]], [[Venus]], [[Earth]] and [[Mars]]
  • The orbital eccentricities and inclinations of the scattered disc population compared to the classical and resonant Kuiper belt objects
  • 400x400px
  • The Sun in true white colour
Sol system; Sol System; Outer planets; Inner planet; Inner Planet; Inner planets; The solar system; Outer Solar System; Outer planet; Inner solar system; Solar-system; Solarsystem; Solar system; Outer solar system; Solor System; System, solar; Nine planets; Solar System (planetary); Eight planets; Sola system; Middle solar system; Inner Solar System; Solsys; The Solar System; Solsector; Solar System's; Solar system.; Sun's System; Suns system; Sun system; Sun System; Solar-System; Astronomy of the solar system; Outer region of the Solar System; Outermost Solar System; Our planetary system; Edge of a solar system; Système solaire; Our solar system
het zonnestelsel (de zon met planeten, manen enz., en hun baan)


·adj Relating to physical forces, effects, or laws; as, dynamical geology.
II. Dynamical ·adj Of or pertaining to dynamics; belonging to energy or power; characterized by energy or production of force.


Multi-user software

Multi-user software is computer software that allows access by multiple users of a computer. Time-sharing systems are multi-user systems. Most batch processing systems for mainframe computers may also be considered "multi-user", to avoid leaving the CPU idle while it waits for I/O operations to complete. However, the term "multitasking" is more common in this context.

An example is a Unix or Unix-like system where multiple remote users have access (such as via a serial port or Secure Shell) to the Unix shell prompt at the same time. Another example uses multiple X Window sessions spread across multiple terminals powered by a single machine – this is an example of the use of thin client. Similar functions were also available in a variety of non-Unix-like operating systems, such as Multics, VM/CMS, OpenVMS, MP/M, Concurrent CP/M, Concurrent DOS, FlexOS, Multiuser DOS, REAL/32, OASIS, THEOS, PC-MOS, TSX-32 and VM/386.

Some multi-user operating systems such as Windows versions from the Windows NT family support simultaneous access by multiple users (for example, via Remote Desktop Connection) as well as the ability for a user to disconnect from a local session while leaving processes running (doing work on their behalf) while another user logs into and uses the system. The operating system provides isolation of each user's processes from other users, while enabling them to execute concurrently.

Management systems are implicitly designed to be used by multiple users, typically one system administrator or more and an end-user community.

The complementary term, single-user, is most commonly used when talking about an operating system being usable only by one person at a time, or in reference to a single-user software license agreement. Multi-user operating systems such as Unix sometimes have a single user mode or runlevel available for emergency maintenance. Examples of single-user operating systems include MS-DOS, OS/2 and Classic Mac OS.